Monday, January 3, 2011

How to Keep Your Resolutions

Here's some tips to keep you on target with or new year's resolutions

1. Make them measurable and realistic
According to American Pychological Association, "new behaviors thrive under realistic, achievable goal-setting". Pace your goals and build upon incremental success.

2. Do one at a time.
One of the most common mistakes is that we try and take on too much at one time. A better approach is to only focus on a few at a time.

3. Use the 30 day method.
Experts agree that once you get 30 days under your belt, a new goal become routine. Don't focus on changing your life...just focus on the next 30 days and your big goal will become much more mangeable.

4. Go public.
Once you tell someone your goal, you are much more inclined to reach it. Websites such as, even make you pay if you break your goal.

5. Chart your success.
Writing it down helps take your abstract goal into reality. Plus, what is more satisfying that charting success?

What helps you accomplish your goals? Let me know at