Monday, December 13, 2010

What to include in a moonlighting policy

In the state of our still shaky economy, holding a second job is necessary for many-especially those that are looking for a little extra holiday cash.. In 2009, 5.2% of the general population held multiple jobs.With the increase in moonlighting, it has become increasingly important for small businesses to instill moonlighting policies. Here are some ideas of what to include:

1. Confidentiality.

While this may seem abundantly obvious to you, it is important to make sure that your employees understand that taking a job where any company information is used (such as client lists, etc) is strictly forbidden.

2. Conflict of interest.

Obviously, you do not want your employee moonlighting for your competitor. To ensure that this is the case, you should make sure that you include a statement requiring your employees to reveal any possible conflicts of interest. Remember is is completely appropriate for you to ensure that a second job does not create a conflict of interest.

3. Performance

When an employee has a second job, it means that they have less personal time, less sleep, and more stress. Hence, it is important to include a performance policy to mitigate your employee from catching up on personal items during company time.

What do you think about moonlighting policies. Give them to me at

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