Perhaps the most effective method of accomplishing your company’s advertising goals is to utilize crowd sourcing. For those of you who haven’t experienced this amazement, crowd sourcing is a method of outsourcing. It eliminates the traditional third party contractor and instead looks to a large group of people via an open call. Currently, there are more than 100 crowd sourcing platforms available for marketing and design work. Plus, it saves BIG. We have been able to utilize services that would normally cost 60-70% more at a typical advertising firm. Breaking down big projects into smaller parts doesn’t just save money from the big ad firms-it also gives you the advantage of getting different creative minds instead of just one team.
Internet Ads
Every day we are faced with amazing internet ads that are far more impressive than their internet counterparts. The internet ads have a higher view rate and can give you viewer feedback at a much quicker rate. Despite all of these incentives to make the switch, many businesses are still leery of making the jump because they do not know what it entails. Brandtv and others like them are helping businesses do this by offering a buy-in-advance internet marketing strategy that is identical to television ad placement except at a much cheaper rate.
Social media
Whether it’s Facebook Likes or Twitter followers, social media properties offer marketers the chance to observe users’ self-professed preferences, rather than relying on implied or survey-determined prefers. It enables consumers to post reviews and recommendations and act as a distribution channel for them and for advertiser messages. Of course, viral word-of-mouth exists offline, but social media greases the wheels and accelerates that viral spread. Social media enables marketers and brands to take the pulse of their customers and prospects in real time, where traditional media has to rely on slower market research techniques.
Buddy-ing up
It has been reported that 40% of business owners did not advertise because of the financial market. A great way to work around your less than premium ad budget is by teaming up with other smaller companies to create dual-super powerful ads. For more information on this option, I would suggest reading a great article that recently came out in the Wall St Journal http://bit.ly/aD7OQI
I would love to get your thoughts on the new age of advertising. As always, you can contact me at Jdanner@peoplelease.com
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