Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Top Ten Ways to Help Your Business Save Money-Part 2

This is the continuation of my blog post from yesterday!

6. Stay at home.

 One of the most cost effective ways to save money for your business is by making the transition to web conferencing. While there are some disadvantages, technology has made it so that

7. Create a prospect-driven culture.

If you create a prospect-driven culture in your organization, you can effectively eliminate the need for costly prospect lists.You may not have as many names, but you will have more potential customers at a much reduced price.

8. Source the Crowd.

I know I have repeatedly mentioned this, but I strongly believe that crowd sourcing is one of the most fundamental technological advances of our time. For those of you who don't know what that is yet, check out my Mad Men blog post from September here!

9. Use the Rule of 3

Always get three quotes for everything before proceeding. You would not do that with your home, so don't do it with your business.

10. Use People Lease

We can not only save you money, but we can also save you time..and what is more valuable than your time? Give us a call today to find out the difference that People Lease can make in your business.

You can reach me at

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