Wednesday, December 8, 2010

How to get your employees interested in 401(k)s

Getting your employees to a closer state of financial well being is something that is important to almost every small business owner. However, getting your employees to understand that importance can be a little more difficult. Here are some ways to help you help your employees:

1. Offer one-on-one consultations.
The proof is in the pudding: 51% of 401(k) investors prefer to have a one-on-one meeting to discuss their financial planning versus online research (23%) or brochures (4%). At People Lease, we would love to set up one-on-one meetings with one of our 401k specialists to ensure that your employee gets all of their questions answered before proceeding.

2. Express your opinion.
If your employees knows that you have invested in the 401(k) program, they are much more likely to invest in it too. Let them know that planning their financial future is well worth their time and money.

3. Strike when the iron is hot.
Statistics show that people are most open to engaging in a new 401(k) plan when changing a job, times of economic recession, and/or the loss of a spouse or partner.

4. KISS.
Keep It Simple Stupid. 53% of Americans say that they find 401(k) planning even more complicated than health care. Keeping it simple will not only encourage participation, but will also make your employees feel more at ease.

5. Let us take care of it for you!
Our plan is specifically made for small businesses, so that it can be tailored to your needs. Plus, we have over 25 years of experience and a system in place to help your employees understand the complexities of financial planning with ease.

For more information, you can contact me at or at 800.723.3025

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