Wednesday, December 7, 2011

December 7th: Remembering the Date in Infamy

Everyone knows the story.  How on December 7, 1941, Japan surprisingly attacked the United States naval forces at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii - killing 2400 Americans and destroying much of our fleet.  Everyone knows that the attack resulted in America getting involved in the war against the Axis powers, becoming a huge factor in the Allied forces' success.

Even though there have been many movies and books based on the events surrounding the the attack 70 years ago, every year less and less attention is called to what President Franklin D. Roosevelt said to be "a date which will live in infamy."  If you take a look at, you won't find a "google doodle" logo associated with Pearl Harbor like you've seen in the past for Thanksgiving or Mark Twain's birthday.  Pearl Harbor isn't listed on Yahoo's Trending Now top ten.  In fact, on Yahoo you're more likely to see stories about Lady Gaga's "baffling accent" or which sports teams are "liked" the most.  At the moment CNN's main page doesn't list a single story commemorating the date of the attack.

When these attacks occurred, it spurned our entire nation to organize and fight hard against the Axis forces of World War II.  Americans shouldn't so easily forget about a day of horrible defeat that ultimately let led to our biggest triumph.

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