Doesn’t Christmas seem to start earlier and earlier every year? The season when families and friends come together, presents are exchanged, and much merriment ensues. That’s right, Christmas is in full swing again.
Christmas is known as the season of good will and charity. That might be tough to remember while you’re fighting through crowds at the sales rack or searching for the hottest deals online. Luckily, there are several ways you can make the holidays special for someone less fortunate.
Toys for Tots runs on the idea that no child should have to wake up on Christmas morning without a gift. Simply take an unwrapped toy to any of their drop off locations for it to be distributed to a needy child in your area on Christmas. Want a hands-on approach to giving? Search for orphanages and other child-care facilities in your area and find out how you can make Christmas special for the children there. Local soup kitchens are always in need this time of year. Call and find out how you can help.
Even the smallest gestures can make a big difference for someone. How often do you walk by the bell ringers of the Salvation Army on your way into a store? Just a little spare change every time you walk by could be what brings joy into someone’s Christmas. And isn’t that what the holidays are all about?
Here are a few links that might help you decide the best way for you to give:
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